A Social Worker’s Perspective: What Lessons Does the Pandemic Offer Us?
A Social Worker’s Perspective: What Lessons Does the Pandemic Offer? As the pandemic grinds on, each day the end seeming a little further away, is there any chance this experience may make us better people, better social workers, better global citizens? Is there any kind of legacy which can be created through this devastating and […]
The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – Reflections and Our Call to Action
As a Society which elevates social justice and health care issues in our core values, we lift up messages from Dr. King which resonate with us today. In 1966, before the convention of the Medical Committee on Human Rights in Chicago, Dr. King spoke about racial segregation within hospitals and of health disparities. Within this […]
SWLHC Member Stan Remer Inducted into the NASW Social Work Pioneers Program
SSWLHC is excited to share that long time SSWLHC member STAN REMER inducted into the NASW Social Work Pioneers program. When asked what this honor meant to him, along with looking back on his SW career that led to this honor, Stan offered the following reflections: In 2020, I was privileged and honored to be […]
Happy Holidays from SSWLHC! Enjoy a FREE Webinar: Resilience in a Time of Crisis Presented by Shirley Otis-Green
Click Here to Register As a gift to our members and all of those social workers working in health care, SSWLHC will be offering a FREE webinar: Resilience in a Time of Crisis Date: January 14, 2020Time: 1:00 – 2:30 PM ESTDescription: This presentation will invite participants to identify both personal and professional motivations for this work and reflect upon our […]
Attention SSWLHC Members! 21st Century Cures Act Discussion
All are welcome to join us in an initial discussion of the 21st Century Cures Act, and in particular, the Federal Rules on Information Blocking. This change in the way that information is shared with patients and families has huge implications for social workers within health care. This Federal Rule goes into effect Nov 2, 2020. Specifically […]
Attention Members: The SSWLHC 56th Annual Meeting and Conference Will Be Held In…….
SSWLHC will be hosting their 56th Annual Meeting and Conference at the Loews Ventana Canyon in Tucson, AZ from October 25 – 28, 2021.Registration will open in early 2021. We cannot wait to see all of your smiling faces in person!!
Strategic Planning Task Force Work Group Report
The Strategic Planning Task Force worked diligently over the past year, along with a consultant, to develop transformational and aspirational goals for the future of SSWLHC. The results of a comprehensive national survey of 1000 SSWLHC active and lapsed members along with non member social work professionals provided the framework and data for the task […]
A Poem on Racism – “The World Could Be”
The SSWLHC wishes to share with you a poem on racism written by Alan L. Nager MD, MHA, Director of Emergency and Transport Medicine at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Please enjoy. Title: “The World Could Be” We live in a world that’s confusing at bestSifting through information, we’re put to the test There’s so much complexity […]
SSWLHC Anti-Racism Advocacy Statement
Anti-Racism Advocacy Statement As an organization, the Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care recognizes what Berwick calls “moral determinants of health”1, thus the members of the Society for Social Work Leaders in Health Care are committed to being proactive in advocating for reforms to address the conscious and unconscious bias in healthcare, behavioral health, and […]
NEW Interprofessional Communication Curriculum (ICC)
Our team at City of Hope is excited to announce the launch of the first two Interprofessional Communication Curriculum (ICC) courses starting in 2021! The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has provided grant funding for interprofessional clinician teams to attend a 3-day communication skills training course. Organized by the eight domains of the National Consensus Project […]