Social Work and VotER Webinar Announcement!
Social Work and VotER
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
1:00–2:00 p.m. (eastern)
The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed and exacerbated the deep inequalities in our nation, including our healthcare and social service systems. It is also adding additional challenges to safe, accessible, and inclusive elections. It is more critical than ever that social workers help people, especially the disenfranchised, to register and to vote.
Please join this free interactive webinar featuring the founder of VotER, Dr. Alister Martin, to learn more about VotER’s new Healthy Democracy Kit that provides simple ways that social workers in all settings–including online–can help clients, students, staff, communities and others exercise their fundamental right to vote. If you can’t make the webinar but would like to learn more and get your free healthy democracy kit for social workers, pre-order yours here or learn about VotER and social work telehealth integration here.
Sponsored by NASW and the National Social Work Voter Mobilization Campaign, this interactive webinar is FREE to anyone who wishes to attend. This program is approved for 1 continuing education (CE) contact hour by the University of Connecticut School of Social Work and is endorsed by the National Association of Social Workers, North Carolina and Michigan Chapters for 1 hour of CE. (there is a $15 recording fee for CE).
For more details or to register, click here.