New Strategic Direction Announcement SSWLHC G2.0: The Future of Your Society

New Strategic Direction Announcement
SSWLHC G2.0: The Future of Your Society

Last week our 54th Annual Conference and Meeting was held in Kansas City, Mo.  Over 200 new and long-time members participated in innovative sessions and intensives as well as our Leadership Institute, interacted with our vendors, participated in the SWLF Live Auction to raise funds to support our work and reconnected with old friends or made new ones. It was the first time that many had traveled to Kansas City and they shared how much they enjoyed our city life. Special thanks to the Mo-Kan Chapter of the SSWLHC for all of their work to secure vendors and sponsors and to make conference attendees feel welcome.

On the 2nd day of the conference I had the opportunity to reveal our Society’s new strategic direction. I discussed our current state, the results of the survey we conducted this Spring with members and stakeholders (over 1,000 surveys were completed) and to share our ideas for the future. As I shared earlier this month, the Board of Directors engaged a consultant, Vista Cova, LLC and selected members for participation in a new Strategic Task Force who then set out to chart our new direction, including recommending a new vision and mission statement and goals. Their work has only just begun. The group will spend the next many months listening to our members and fine tuning our plans.

I hope you will take a few moments to watch this abbreviated version of the strategic presentation in a webinar format. Members may also view the complete Prezi presentation slides on the Member Only site.

After you view the presentation, please click on this survey link to provide your comments and ideas. 

In the coming months watch for opportunities to share your ideas and to receive regular updates of our work.

I am excited for the Society’s future and our opportunity to support all health care social workers.


Heather Brungardt, President
Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care