Kelson Okimoto Elected for the Position of 2017/2018 Student Board Member
Congratulations to Kelson Okimoto for being elected to the position of SSWLHC Student Board Member for the 2017/2018 fiscal year. Kelson is currently in the School of Social Work with an MSW health care concentration at the University of Washington. While he is not studying, Kelson is a Program Manager at UW Medicine; UW Medical Center; Family Medicine, Palliative Care Services and also works as a Analyst, Evaluation and Metrics Core at the UW Medicine; Cambia Palliative Care Center of Excellence.
SSWLHC is pleased and excited to have Kelson join their leadership
Kelson’s Position Statement:
I strongly believe social workers are the future of health care leaders. We have a unique skillset of clinical training, compassion, empathy, yet thoughtfully inquisitive approach needed to understand and carry out change on a holistic (macro, mezzo, micro) level.