MO-KAN Chapter
The MO-KAN SSWLHC Chapter has a long and proud history of social work leadership in the Kansas City area. The membership consists of social workers across the healthcare spectrum that lives and work in the Kansas City metro area. Our members represent both formal and informal leadership roles and we benefit from the practice wisdom of several retired health care practitioners. We value our partnerships with the local schools of social work and other professional associations. We strive to build a network of colleagues who share their knowledge, information, resources, best practices, advocacy interests and passion for the field of health care social work practice.

Member Benefits
- Member news and eblasts
- Advocacy
- Networking
- Quarterly meetings with Discussion Groups
- Annual Social Work Month reception
- Annual conference at a reduced cost for members
- Annual “Social Work Leader of the Year” recognition
- Other opportunities for social work leadership within the Kansas City community
You are invited to our next networking event at Topgolf!
When: Friday, November 15 @ 4:30-6:30pm
Where: Topgolf, 10611 Nall Ave, Overland Park, KS 66207
Bonus: 1 free drink ticket
We will also provide appetizers.
RSVP to MOKAN Chapter President, Amy Werner
We look forward to seeing you there!
c/o 10680 Barkley
Overland Park, KS 66212
Email for upcoming events.
Chapter Contact
For more information, contact the chapter:
President: Amy Werner