Our Live Auction Returns to the Nashville Conference
Please join us for the 2022 Social Work Health Leadership Foundation Virtual and Live Auction!
Want to Show your Support for the Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care? Here is how:
- Donate an item for the virtual or live auction. Click here for donation form.
- The virtual auction will begin immediately prior to the October conference which is being held in Nashville, TN, from October 16-19. Even if unable to attend the conference, you can participate in the virtual auction.
- Donate an item for the live auction which will be held on Monday, October 17, just down the street from the conference hotel. If you can’t attend the conference or auction, we will provide a “phone a friend” option if you see an item you would like to bid on remotely. Live Auction items will be listed on the SSWLHC website at the start of the conference.
- Or simply make a donation to the Social Work Health Leadership Foundation. The Foundation is a 501(c)3 corporation so your donations are tax deductible. Consider a donation in honor of a valued colleague or in memory of a social worker who has made a difference in your life.
Watch for more details about the auction in the coming weeks! Until then, contact Carol Frazier Maxwell (cmaxwell@sswlhc.org) with any questions or comments.