Community Forum/List Serv Instructions

How do I join the List Serv/Community Forum?

  • Login to the SSWLHC member portal here. Your ID is your email address. If you forgot, your password, click here.
  • Once logged in, click on Community Forum. This link can be found directly above “Welcome to the Members Only Area.”
  • There are currently 11 discussion forums within the Community Forum. Each discussion forum focus on a central theme. Current discussion forums include:
    • Discussion Forum – This is an area for general discussion.
    • Annual Conference
    • Leadership Institute
    • Social Determinants of Health
    • Department Organization, Line of Report
    • Methods to identify specific patient populations who will need social work intervention
    • Methods to identify social acuity to help staff prioritize efforts
    • Coping with budget/staff reduction related to current financial/pandemic environment
    • The new open-access requirement (patient chart access)

How do I contribute or add a discussion forum to the Community Forum?

To contribute to a topic in a forum:
– Click on the discussion forum for the topic you wish to comment on.
– Click on the topic within that forum
– Choose at the bottom how you would like to respond (i.e. “Quick Reply.”) Click “Submit.”

To add a new topic to a forum:
– Click on the discussion forum for the topic you wish to add.
– Click on “New Topic” at the top.
– Type in topic subject and body.
– Click “Submit.”

How do I edit/change my subscription settings for the Community Forum/List Serv?

  • Login to the SSWLHC member portal here. Your ID is your email address. If you forgot, your password, click here.
  • Click on “My Profile.”
  • Hover your mouse over the “”My Profile” link and click on “Contact Preferences.”
    • None
    • Select Topics
    • New Topics
    • New Topics and Replies
  • Under “Forum Subscription,” under the “Notification” section, select from one of the following drop down menu items: Example: if you select “New Topics,” you will receive email notifications only when a new topic has been posted to the forum.
  • Once you have selected your contact preferences, this will automatically be saved to your profile.